"Close to My Heart" opening dedication poem from the debut novel MANY OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD

By Andrea K. Hammer

Through Artsphoria Publishing‘s Build-a-Custom-Book Service, we recently released Chapter 1: Philadelphia from our MANY OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD. Set near the Philadelphia Museum of Art, this pivotal chapter is the foundation for the rest of our debut novel about a mother and daughter with a special friendship.

Major Theme in Debut Novel: Drawing Strength From Art Books and Film

As the mother and daughter in Chapter 1: Philadelphia from MANY OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD celebrate life and navigate illness and grief together, their shared passion for art, books and film gives them strength. Drawn directly from real-life conversations, cherished discussions about culture and reactions to movies are preserved. Originally written as an attempt to heal after the actual loss of this key relationship, the chapter is offered in the spirit of helping others in similar circumstances find comfort.

First Stepping-Stone Chapter Launches Artsphoria Publishing’s Build-a-Custom-Book Service

The recent release of Chapter 1: Philadelphia from MANY OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD sets the tone for the following nine chapters set in cities around the world. As part of Artsphoria Publishing’s Build-a-Custom-Book Service, this chapter may be read independently or serve as the first building block for personally selected chapters. We hope that readers will order the entire book but want to offer this flexible option to meet individual interests and preferences.

Artsphoria Publishing Offers Additional Custom Novel Options

To serve readers’ personal needs, Artsphoria Publishing is offering additional custom novel options. Along with the opportunity to select a text-only version of each chapter, readers may order a “chapterette” version with an opening poem and illustration introducing the text in print or the “chapterette pop,” which features the illustration as a pop-up. The opening poems with pop-ups are also available as printed keepsake cards.

Backstory Behind Chapter 1: Philadelphia From MANY OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD

To learn more about the backstory behind Chapter 1: Philadelphia from MANY OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD, see https://patreon.com/artsphoria. Then, select other preferred formats in print for friends and fellow book lovers at https://artsphoriashop.com


By Andrea Hammer

Andrea Karen Hammer is the founder, director and owner of Artsphoria Publishing, Media Group & Shop (https://www.artsphoria.org): Artsphoria International Magazine (https://www.artsphoria.com); Artsphoria Movie Reviews & Film Forum (https://www.artsphoria.us); Artsphoria: Arts, Business & Technology Center (https://www.artsphoria.biz); Artsphoria Event Advertising & Reporting (https://www.artsphoria.info); Artsphoria: Food for the Soul (https://artsphoria.live); Artsphoria Animation & Imagination World (https://www.artsphoria.net) and Artsphoria Shop (https://www.artsphoriashop.com). She is a freelance writer who has published articles in international publications.

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